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What's new in the ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 portal

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 includes updates, enhancements, and bug fixes. For a list of issues fixed at 10.8, see the 10.8 Issues Addressed List.

If you're upgrading to 10.8 from an earlier version, you must reauthorize your software. You can obtain a new license file from My Esri.

Upgrades are not supported from Portal for ArcGIS 10.2.2 or earlier versions to 10.8. To upgrade Portal for ArcGIS to 10.8, you must first upgrade it to version 10.3 or later; then upgrade it again to 10.8.

Review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.8 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8, see Portal compatibility with earlier versions of ArcGIS.

Organization administration

Portal administrators have the following new capabilities and options in this release:

  • The New Member Defaults tab allows administrators to set a default user type and role for new members. The defaults specified are automatically assigned to new members who create their own built-in accounts and members added by an administrator or through automatic account creation.
  • Two new options are now available for default administrators creating new groups in the organization. An administrator can protect the privacy of members of groups by hiding the list of group members on the Members tab of the group page. They can also restrict members from leaving the group, which ensures that members remain in the group unless they are removed by the group owner or a group manager.
  • Parcel Fabric and Utility Network functionality are now licensed as user type extensions. User type extensions can be included in a user type or assigned as an add-on license.
  • Portal administrators can now use the importlicense command line utility to import a license file containing licensed apps and user types.
  • Administrators can now place ArcGIS Enterprise in read-only mode through the portal. When read-only mode is turned on, most content and settings in the portal, any federated servers, and ArcGIS Data Store cannot be created, modified, or deleted. Read-only mode does not prevent normal access to the portal. This can be useful in preventing downtime and data loss when making system updates and when upgrading ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Administrators can configure a custom access notice that is displayed to all users who access your organization. When enabled, a message will appear upon accessing the portal, and users can only proceed to access the site if they accept the terms of the notice.
  • Administrators can configure a custom information banner to appear at the top and bottom of your site to display important information to your users. This can be used to inform users who access your site about the status of the site or alert them to upcoming maintenance. The information banner is configured in the organization settings of the portal, so you no longer need to use the classificationBanner property in the configuration file.
  • An enhanced security privilege model enables portal administrators to restrict or grant access to a subset of administrative tasks in the Portal Admin API based on a member's assigned privileges. For example, administrators can limit the ability for some administrators to interact with portal settings pertaining to the portal's look and feel. They may also restrict access to manage federated servers or update security settings such as password policy updates. This allows organization administrators to delegate specific administrative tasks without granting full access to the Portal Admin API.
  • New webhook trigger events are available that allow administrators to monitor changes made to their organization's roles, such as being notified when a new role is created or when an existing role has been updated. As well, administrators are also now able to subscribe to more encompassing trigger events. Previously, the webhook trigger events allowed administrators to be notified to changes to a specific item, group, or user. For example, a trigger event could have been set to trigger whenever a specific user signed in or out of the portal or when a specific item had been updated. Now, organization administrators can subscribe to events that allow them to monitor all activity for users, items, and groups, such as seeing when any item in their organization is added or deleted.

Data management

Mapping and visualization

  • At 10.8, Esri vector basemaps are enabled by default in the basemap gallery for new organizations. Existing organizations that upgrade to 10.8 will maintain the basemap settings configured in the portal.
  • You can now customize the style of vector tile layers directly in Map Viewer.
  • Map Viewer has three new symbol sets to support the utilities community: Water, Sewer, and Stormwater. There are also new symbols included in the Public Safety symbol set.


  • New smart mapping styles in Scene Viewer provide complete styling capabilities for lines and polygons. You can now create attribute-driven 3D extrusions from building footprints and color them by usage type, for example. Additionally, new line profiles allow you to create visualizations with 3D tubes, squares, walls, and strips in your scene.
  • Isolate each level of a building interactively with the new floor picker in the Building Explorer tool. Explore and gain better insight into BIM buildings published from ArcGIS Pro with predefined filters that allow for custom views.
  • Add animated water visualizations to your scenes. Whether you're looking at an ocean from far away or a lake close-up, the new Water polygon style allows you to create realistic views, such as sunlight reflections off the water.
  • Scene layer performance continues to improve. Scene Viewer loads integrated mesh, 3D objects, and buildings up to four times faster with the new I3S specification version 1.7. In addition, new client-side caching helps reduce areas without data when exploring the scene.
  • The Esri-provided gallery in Scene Viewer includes new 3D models, such as bicycles and fire hydrants, to further customize your scenes. Additionally, Infrastructure and Recreation web styles are new in the gallery, automatic level of detail has been added to 3D models of schematic trees to maintain strong performance in scenes, and Scene Viewer now supports the CGCS 2000 coordinate system.
  • Define the visibility range of layers in a scene using the new scale range slider in the layer properties. Create a scene that alternates between layers showing countries, cities, and buildings while zooming in, for example.
  • You can now display pop-ups on point cloud scene layers. Select individual points to inspect properties, such as the classification or elevation.
  • Performance improvements: 3D scene layers now load up to twice as fast. Vector tile layers have increased rendering performance when navigating in scenes.

  • Visual improvements: A new lighting and shading model adds contrast and definition to your 3D content when you choose Quality in the Settings tool. Additionally, Scene Viewer has improved transparency rendering for edges and adjacent extruded polygons.

Sharing and collaboration

The following are new in sharing and collaboration:

ArcGIS Notebook Server

A new application, ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager, is now available in the portal if you have an ArcGIS Notebook Server site federated and configured with the portal. Manager is an intuitive interface for common administrative tasks and resources in ArcGIS Notebook Server sites. You can view and modify settings, query logs, and manage notebook containers.

Learn more about ArcGIS Notebook Server


Standard feature analysis

The following tool enhancements are available in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal:

  • Create Drive-Time Areas has been updated with the following new parameters to improve the tool's functionality:
    • Travel Direction allows you to choose whether the drive-time areas are created away from your input locations or toward them
    • Show unreachable areas as holes returns a detailed polygon in which areas in the output that are not reachable through the road network are not included in the output polygon
    • Include reachable streets creates an output layer that includes the streets used to create the drive-time areas
  • Connect Origins to Destinations includes the following new parameter and enhanced abilities to create multiple connections:
    • Route Shape determines the appearance of the output routes. Straight line creates a straight line connecting the origin-destination pair and is best when you want to generate spider diagrams or desire lines (for example, to show which stores customers are visiting). Follow streets creates a shape based on the underlying street network and is best when you want to generate the routes between origins and destinations.
    • You can now connect more than one origin to multiple destinations. For example, if you have three stores and 50 customers from each store, you can connect all stores with all of their customers.

GeoAnalytics tools

Find out what's new in GeoAnalytics Server including new tools, functionality, and more.

Raster Analysis tools

Find out what's new in ArcGIS Image Server including new raster analysis tools, apps, functionality, and more.


There are new features and enhancements for apps in the portal.

ArcGIS Mission

ArcGIS Mission is a new app in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 that provides organizations and teams with mission-focused, real-time situational awareness and collaboration tools for a comprehensive understanding of the operating environment. This allows users to create, share, and monitor a mission in real time, designate maps and other materials for operations, facilitate peer-to-peer communication, and monitor the mission in real time.

ArcGIS Mission is composed of three core components: ArcGIS Mission Manager, ArcGIS Mission Responder, and ArcGIS Mission Server. Mission Manager is a web app that allows users to create and provision missions to the mobile app, share work during active missions, as well as monitor missions. Mission Responder is a mobile app that allows users to work on missions assigned by Manager, send status and location updates, and share information through peer-to-peer communication. Mission Server facilitates peer-to-peer networking between Manager and Responder.

For more information, see the ArcGIS Mission help.

ArcGIS QuickCapture

The ArcGIS QuickCapture designer is now installed with ArcGIS Enterprise, allowing you to create and share projects entirely within your enterprise environment. Alternatively, you can continue to use the ArcGIS QuickCapture website, while signed in to your ArcGIS Enterprise organization, to create and share projects. When you use the ArcGIS QuickCapture website, you have access to the latest updates of the QuickCapture designer. ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 includes the ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.2 designer.

For more information, see the ArcGIS QuickCapture help.

Tracker for ArcGIS

The Track Viewer web app is now installed with ArcGIS Enterprise, and no longer requires a separate installation. You can now also change the basemap when viewing tracks.

For more information, see the Tracker for ArcGIS help.

Workforce for ArcGIS

The Workforce for ArcGIS web app is now installed with ArcGIS Enterprise, and no longer requires a separate installation.

For more information, see the Workforce for ArcGIS help.

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS has a new widget, and multiple widgets and themes have been improved. For more information, see What's new in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.

  • The new Business Analyst widget allows you to generate Business Analyst infographics and classic reports.
  • You can add stops in directions by searching feature layers.
  • With Query and Filter, you can perform a query on a combination of date and time.
  • The My Location widget has new options that display compass orientation and location accuracy on a mobile device.
  • With Group Filter, you can define filter values using a URL parameter.
  • The Near Me widget has configurable buffer input options to search with a precise distance.
  • You can configure the Public Notification widget to add field names in the CSV download.
  • Smart Editor has several enhancements, including supporting relative dates and using a URL parameter to define a preset value.
  • The Screening widget allows you to hide the summary table in the report.
  • Many widgets and themes have been enhanced for accessibility.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

The legacy Operations Dashboard product was retired on January 1, 2019. See the Product Life Cycles page for more information. Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8, existing Operation View, Operation Dashboard Extension, and Operations Dashboard Add-In items can no longer be used by the legacy Operations Dashboard product. These are now retired, and you can no longer open and view them. The item details pages for these items remain as read-only in your portal. Consider re-creating these items using the new and improved Operations Dashboard web app that is built into ArcGIS Enterprise.

Configurable app templates

The following new ArcGIS Configurable Apps templates are available:

  • Attachment Viewer—Highlight the photo, video, or PDF attachments on the feature layers in your map.
  • Nearby—Help app users find locations of interest at a specified distance from the location they provide.
  • Zone Lookup—Help app users determine whether the location they specify falls within a predefined area (zone), and return information about that zone to them.

The Category Gallery app template includes new options that allow you to open apps from thumbnails in the gallery and control sign in options, the information that appears for each app in the gallery, and when the filter pane opens.